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LIVE in-classroom class, NOT on Zoom.
COST: $150 to be paid at the door – Cash or Credit Card
When: April 11, 12, 15, 16 9AM – 5PM
The purpose of this course is to provide you with the knowledge and skills to perform the operations involved in the practice of real estate in a manner that protects the consumer and complies with New Mexico Real Estate License Law and the New Mexico Real Estate Commission Rules. The prerequisite for this course is to have a New Mexico real estate license. A case study will be introduced at the beginning of the course and carried throughout each module. The course is designed to be interactive with multiple role-playing activities providing opportunities to apply the information to your particular real estate practice. The activities will also allow you to explore potential scenarios that may come up during your career as a broker. The course consists of ten sequential modules presented in a format that will facilitate your learning in a systematic approach.